og jeg skubber til ham,
fald, fald mod jorden med dig!
men han bliver grebet,
og jeg indser at det er mig.

jeg slæber hende efter mig,
hun græder, og råber mit navn,
men det er det forkerte navn hun kalder,
så det er til ingen gavn.

jeg går på linie på en bro,
hånd i hånd med skæbnen,
skal jeg selv vælge, hvornår det sker,
eller lade det være op til den.

jeg ser en gylden sol rejse sig,
fra havets tunge, mørke vand,
og med åbne arme lader jeg,
den skinne på hver mand.

en morgendag jeg døde,
da jeg gav livet til andre,
til alle dem jeg hadede,
for jeg ville en ny vej vandre.


of course i want a boyfriend,
of course i want to be loved.
but if he’s not the right one
then it’s not enough

i can wait
i can wait
wait for the right trait

i am not that desperate
i got nothing to lose
i got a whole life ahead of me!

so let me be!


in times of darkness
we light a candle
we gather around it
watching the flame

it is only dusk
so the flame isn’t that bright
the people that i truly love
haven’t gathered just yet

one person is missing
some are near
some may not reach it
some are here

in times of darkness
we wait for the light
and when the candle runs out
it is once again bright


let stormy nights swallow me,
into an embrace of light,
alabaster white, surrounded by colors.

let the stars become visible,
even at day.
so no one, would ever feel lonely.

let my hands reach,
the people i will meet,
before they fall, on our road towards each other.

let the snow fall,
on a freezing winter day,
but not in spring, and not in autumn.

keep the world, the way it was.
because i can’t understand,
how quickly it changes,
as well as i do.



I’ve just returned from watching Noa, the new movie with Russell Crowe, Emma Watson and Logan Lerman. It was really good, really great. I was left behind with a feeling of… with a new view of the world and life. Like I always get after watching a great movie. It’s like the images I’ve seen are still stuck in my brain, and I see waves flood the street I’m driving on and… I look up at the dark sky with awe.

Because I am an atheist, I do not believe in a god. I believe in science and in nature. But I’m really amazed by the image of a god, of a creator of Earth. A thing we humans have created, so that we have someone to blame for evil and someone to thank for good. We all do know that there aren’t such things as gods… Or else we would definitely all believe in the same one, or the same ones. 

We humans are both strong and week, and nature can at times overwhelm us, and at those points we lose hope, we lose strength. So we create a wooden pole to lean against, even if it’s not even there. Imagination means more than knowledge. That’s very true.

But our beliefs can also become negative. We can do some stuff with the excuse of something that has “made” us do it. 

And that’s not right.

Believe, it is very okay for you to believe. But do know that it is also very okay to believe in something else, or not believe in something at all. Believe, and earn happiness, but do not bring pain to something because of your beliefs. 


Men are weak… Men are strong… But nature is stronger. And we’ll just have to deal with it, and not go against it. 
